September 8, 2011

Giant Plants

I don't know if it's just me but plants seem to grow much, much bigger than their supposed size.

Take these for example:

The bushes in the foreground are one of the savories... winter or summer savory, I can't remember which. The tag on these lovely little bushes said "grows 1 1/2 - 2 feet high". Those bushes now stand 5 feet tall and growing.

Almond Verbena flower.

The bush in the back is an Almond Verbena (incredible scent). That guy was supposed to grow 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide. We're at 8 or 8.5 feet so far.

So I'm wondering... is it me or do other people have this experience?

I was reading one of Susan Wittig Albert's herb mysteries and she mentions that Lemon Grass is a 3 foot plant. What?! All of my lemon grasses grew 7 feet tall before an unusually cold winter did them in.

In other growth around the place:

Goldenrod... soon to bloom.

Cooking pears. Found this tree on the property when we moved hear. Fruit trees are always a nice surprise!


  1. hi Annie, Bigger is better right? Except when you mentioned the 12' ragweed in that comment the other day!I started some goldenrod last year, it made it through the winter and came back but is less than 1' tall. I am glad it survived and hope to see it again next year. What a lovely find, pears! Did the tree do well this year? I hope so. Emily

  2. The pear tree did do well this year although I only made three quick pints of pear butter. I just don't have energy for more with the pregnancy. I figure the wildlife needed those pears more than I did this year since there is so little to eat during this drought.

    Last year my husband did some major renovations on the tree. It's an old tree and it had rotting wood, poorly grown limbs, and half of it was actually root sprouts coming up from the grafted rootstock (that growth doesn't produce pears). Fortunately I'm married to a forester with a knowledge of fruit tree rehabilitation! Once it was thinned and shaped up the chickens really enjoyed it for a perch earlier this year when they first learned to fly.

  3. Hi Annie, just wanted to stop by and say HI. I hope things are going well and I hope you are felling alright too! I had a cup of your licorice & peppermint tea blend a few days ago. Lovely! Thanks. Sincerely, Emily

  4. Hi Annie, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Sincerely, Emily
