February 26, 2011

This Week's Favorite Articles, Blogs, etc.

Some things I've been reading, looking at, and thinking about this week:

Seeds Straight From Your Fridge by Michael Tortorello in the NY Times - growing food plants from all the seeds, rhizomes, and roots we have in our kitchens.

Being Practical Isn't All That Great on The Organic Sister - A reminder to make impractical decisions every so often. 

Mine! on Cudzoo Farm - Another great goat picture by one of my small farming role models. Seriously, I've seen her farm in person and it is brilliant. I use it all the time as an example when I'm talking to people about what a well designed micro farm looks like. Sarah is my hero.

How To Render Lard The Right Way (Snow White, Odorless) by A Little Bit of Spain In Iowa - A very good explanation of how to render lard. And now I understand why my last batch was porkier than the first.

1 comment:

  1. DH and I raised goats for several years and we loved it. Each one is completely different in personality. Oh and to watch the babies play and chase each other is so sweet. They are very entertaining. Sometimes I miss it.
