January 14, 2011

Recipes From The Blogasphere

(First of all... how do you spell "blogasphere"? One g? Two gs? Is it blogersphere? Or blogosphere?)

Ah-hem. Anyway... Here are some recipes, from the vast collection of food related blogs in the segment of the internet we might decide to label if we could figure out how to spell it, that I want to cook soon:

Saag Aloo. Have I mentioned how much I love Indian food? Check out Mallika Basu's blog. It is scrumptious.

Butternut Vanilla Jam. I just discovered Putting Up With The Turnbulls and I can't wait to read through it all. And I have 4 butternut squashes staring at me from the counter.

Preserved Lemons. Citrus season is upon us. Hunter, Angler, Gardener, Cook also teaches me neat-o things like how to cure meat or cook wild hog.

Chiles En Nogado. We've talked about how much Homesick Texan rocks. And... she's coming out with a book!!! (I am not one to use multiple exclamation points willie-nillie but I think this warrants it.)

What food blogs do you love? What new recipes are you going to try soon?

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